Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sucking air

Sucking in frigid air and fireplace smoke while trying to climb a hill on a bike is unpleasant. Tomorrow's forecast is snow. We'll see how my streak will fair with 2 inches of snow on the ground. Maybe I'm just obsessive enough to ride anyway.

Today I was thinking about a quote I heard recently. It goes something like this: "Why should lack of planning on your part create an emergency on my part?" I wish I could remember it better. It seems to be making a point that if you're unprepared it isn't fair that it causes me to have to hustle. While I understand the point I still think it's bogus. I think most of our problems in life are caused by our own deficiencies. It's called being human. Helping someone who is having a human experience is what nurtures the goodness in us all. At some point in our lives each of us will get the distinct honor of being the village idiot, some of us more than others. And it's at those times others will have to clean up the mess. We'll all get a turn.

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