Thursday, December 31, 2009

If you can't write anything important....write anyway?

My goal is to blog everyday so if you encounter pointless drivel because I can't think of anything important to say on here, well....I'll leave it up to you decide what to do with it.

I was thinking about when I was in Austin this past October for the LIVESTRONG Challenge. About 15 miles into the bike ride there was a rest stop. It was just on the side of the road and since thousands of riders had started at the same time there was a big traffic jam at this particular rest stop. You know that moment when you're doing something you've never done before and you've imagined what it would be like and then you discover some facet that you couldn't have imagined and it blows you away? This is one of those times for me.

When the cluster of bikes I was in (maybe 20) approached the traffic jam everyone had to stop because we couldn't get through without walking our bikes. Everyone but me had the peddles and shoes that clip together. There's a pop sound when they clasp or unclasp their shoes. The sound of 20 people unclasping 40 shoes was a stereophonic delight. It was like popcorn spread over the entire width of the road. This is the kind of thing that entertains me.

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