Sunday, December 27, 2009

Who's idea was this?

Right now I know I'm only talking to myself. In fact, I can't imagine why anyone but myself would even read this.

Last summer my sister was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Since then she's had a total hysterectomy and 4 months of chemo (she has two months left). We expect her to make a full recovery and live a long life without cancer.

Using my sister's encounter with cancer as an inspiration I decided to start riding my bike. My goal at the time was to raise money to fight cancer and be able to participate in the LIVESTRONG Challenge in Austin, Texas on October 25, 2009. I lost 20 pounds and rode my bike 65 miles.

The trip to Austin was a difficult one. We lost the family car. We stupidly decided to drive from Manassas, Va to Austin, TX. The car made it to Sulphur Springs, TX before it died. My mom was with us and spent the day before the big event in the emergency room after passing out on the sidewalk due to a bad reaction to her new blood pressure medicine.

Now, it's time to start again. I weigh about 335 pounds now. There, I said it. No more secrets for me.


  1. I admire you so much! Here's to a cancer & chemo free sister, 80 pounds lost and $3,000 dollars raised!

  2. Excited to follow your blog. I am planning on being there next year but the trip will be easier. I think I need to set a goal too. I let you know what it is once I ponder on it.

  3. You are an inspiration!
