Thursday, December 31, 2009

If you can't write anything important....write anyway?

My goal is to blog everyday so if you encounter pointless drivel because I can't think of anything important to say on here, well....I'll leave it up to you decide what to do with it.

I was thinking about when I was in Austin this past October for the LIVESTRONG Challenge. About 15 miles into the bike ride there was a rest stop. It was just on the side of the road and since thousands of riders had started at the same time there was a big traffic jam at this particular rest stop. You know that moment when you're doing something you've never done before and you've imagined what it would be like and then you discover some facet that you couldn't have imagined and it blows you away? This is one of those times for me.

When the cluster of bikes I was in (maybe 20) approached the traffic jam everyone had to stop because we couldn't get through without walking our bikes. Everyone but me had the peddles and shoes that clip together. There's a pop sound when they clasp or unclasp their shoes. The sound of 20 people unclasping 40 shoes was a stereophonic delight. It was like popcorn spread over the entire width of the road. This is the kind of thing that entertains me.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lock Broken

More than two years ago at the Park Place Gourmet Deli the lock on the bathroom door broke. I first became aware of the malfunction from a note on the door, written in sharpie, "lock broken" with an arrow pointing to the door handle. (without the arrow how would I know where to find the lock?)

The lock was repaired but sharpie sign remained until finally the lock broke again. Balance returns to the universe.

Now, it's been more than a year since the lock has been in disrepair, yet the sign remains. "lock broken". I wonder if people are afraid to lock the door for fear that they won't be able to get out of the bathroom.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Today I was talking to someone who was wearing a LIVESTRONG wristband. I asked him if he rides. He said yes, he races with a team. I told him that I had gone to Austin and rode 65 miles. I can't help this feeling that I'm not convincing as a "cyclist". After all, I am huge. I feel like it would be different if I was bragging about the distance I've ridden my bike if I looked the part. The thought that often creeps in is that if I can do it in my current state then it must not be that hard.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Don't quit your day job...

I've been contemplating all possibilities of how to get paid to ride my bike. I don't think there's much of a market for morbidly obese cyclists. (if I can call my self a "cyclist")

Maybe if I lose a 150 pounds by riding my bike a bike company will hire me as a spokesman, like Jared for Subway. Hmmm....

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I just rode 18.58 miles. The bike trail was mostly either blocked by or covered with snow so I had to ride in the street most of the time. I can't wait until spring.

Who's idea was this?

Right now I know I'm only talking to myself. In fact, I can't imagine why anyone but myself would even read this.

Last summer my sister was diagnosed with uterine cancer. Since then she's had a total hysterectomy and 4 months of chemo (she has two months left). We expect her to make a full recovery and live a long life without cancer.

Using my sister's encounter with cancer as an inspiration I decided to start riding my bike. My goal at the time was to raise money to fight cancer and be able to participate in the LIVESTRONG Challenge in Austin, Texas on October 25, 2009. I lost 20 pounds and rode my bike 65 miles.

The trip to Austin was a difficult one. We lost the family car. We stupidly decided to drive from Manassas, Va to Austin, TX. The car made it to Sulphur Springs, TX before it died. My mom was with us and spent the day before the big event in the emergency room after passing out on the sidewalk due to a bad reaction to her new blood pressure medicine.

Now, it's time to start again. I weigh about 335 pounds now. There, I said it. No more secrets for me.